
A brave new world revisited
A brave new world revisited

Essentially, Huxley makes a case for tranquilizing (or hallucinogenizing) the population during peace, and amphetiminizing it during war.From the standpoint of 1958, it looked like Huxley's prophecy had been fulfilled.

a brave new world revisited

It's a little more sophisticated than what he described in Brave New World. The most interesting part of this book, in fact, is Huxley's refining of how he thinks a dictatorship would medicate its population. What I found much more absorbing was Huxley's detailed catalogue of all the new pharmaceuticals developed between 19, which in various ways suggest an effort (conscious or not) on the part of pharmaceutical companies to come up with a drug exactly like "Soma". Those comparisons were more or less expected. This new volume was written in 1958 - twenty-seven years after Brave New World was penned, and Huxley makes some interesting comments on ways that the world has grown to look more like the world of the OneState.Naturally, Hitler and Stalin are mentioned both dictators employed propaganda techniques described in BNW. It's a little bit self-indulgent on Huxley's part, but it's also captivating.

a brave new world revisited

In that sense, the book reads like an interview on one of those shows like Charlie Rose or Inside the Actor's Studio.

A brave new world revisited series#

Actually, this is a series of essays, in which Huxley explains why he wrote some of the things he wrote in BNW.

a brave new world revisited

a story picking up where Brave New World left off. Last review of the year!I admit I expected this to be fiction.

A brave new world revisited